Service Times
- Sunday Worship: 8:00 am to 8:50 am
- Education Hour: 9:00 am
- Sunday Worship: 10:00 am to 11:15 am
Children & Youth
- Education Hour: 9:00 am
- Sunday Children’s Chapel: 10:00 am
- Sunday Youth Group: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Parish Choir
- Thursday Rehearsal: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- Sunday Warm-Up: 9:00 am
- Sunday Service: 10:00 am
At St. Dunstan’s, all are welcome — no exceptions. Our mission is “Welcoming everyone and empowering all, to love and serve God and neighbor.”
You can join us at 8am or 10am every Sunday morning for worship. We will continue to live stream online via Facebook and YouTube, for those who are unable to join us in person on Sundays. Videos stay uploaded after the live stream ends so you can watch anytime of the week!
Join us this week for our live stream service on our Facebook page! Also available on YouTube.
Download our Sunday Bulletin here.
Download our Sunday Bulletin (with music included) here.
Watch Our Video
Watch Our Video
Accessibility and Inclusivity
Accessibility and Inclusivity
All are welcome! All individuals, including those with differences or disabilities are encouraged to participate in and enjoy all aspects of church life at St. Dunstan’s. Disability, Inclusivity, and Accessibility information, including who to contact, can be accessed from the “Welcome” menu, or by clicking here.
Worship Services
People are free to continue to wear masks to protect themselves or others. Please continue to respect each other’s comfort level on distancing and when exchanging the peace.
This Sunday’s Readings
Every Sundays’ readings can be found online at