Welcome to St. Dunstan’s!
Walking into a new church for the first time can be exhilarating, intimidating, and overwhelming. Questions and concerns fly through your head. What are the people like? Will I know what to do? What do I wear? Will I fit in?
Perhaps your questions are more faith-based. Were you born and raised in the Episcopal Church and are looking to connect with the church of your heritage? Were you raised in another Christian denomination, but are interested in learning more about St. Dunstan’s? Maybe you weren’t raised in any form of organized religion, but feel a call to explore Christianity. Do you have questions about your faith or even the existence of God?
Or you may have urgent personal or family problems, which are pressing you to look to God for guidance, comfort, or strength. Worries about money, work, marriage, children, and health often make us realize how much we need something more in our lives.

Maybe you think you have hit “rock bottom” and have nowhere to turn. You feel helpless and alone and need someone to help you make sense of the world again.
Wherever you are in your faith walk, wherever you have been in life’s journey, St. Dunstan’s is here for you. Our staff is trained to guide you as you take this next step. Our community will welcome you with warm smiles and kind hearts.
Get to know St. Dunstan’s by browsing through our website, listening online to the sermons, or by attending a Sunday service. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at (619) 460-6442. We look forward to talking with you, answering your questions, and helping you walk through those doors for the first time.
Here is a quick guide on what to expect at your first worship service. If you ever have any questions during a service, please ask an usher, greeter, or anyone else, they will be delighted to help you.
Our Worship.
Our worship consists of prayers, readings from the Bible, music, singing, a sermon, and Holy Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper or Holy Eucharist.) You can participate as much as you want or just sit, observe, and become acquainted. It’s all up to you.
Youth Adventures Every Sunday

And for the kids.
Babies, children, and youth are always welcome at our worship services! We also offer childcare for children 3 and under in the nursery located on the right side of the church building. From 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. we offer Sunday School for Preschool through Grade 5 in the Parish House. Grades 6 through 12 enjoy their own activities in the Youth Building. During our 10am worship we offer a “Pray-Ground” in the front of the church for all children ages 4 and up to enjoy activities together as well as a children’s sermon. Following the children’s sermon all children are invited to depart with their teachers for a time of formation and activities and will return to the Pray-Ground at Communion.
Follow along with your bulletin.
The ushers will hand you a bulletin as you enter the church. In the bulletin, you’ll find the book name and page numbers to follow along with the service and songs. The prayer books, Bibles, and hymnals are located in the book rack found in each pew.
- BCP = Book of Common Prayer. The BCP is usually red in color with a cross on the front.
- Hymnal = Our hymnals are blue.
- J-Book = White spiral-bound songbook.
The week’s readings are printed in the bulletin or you can use your own Bible or one of the Bibles provided in the pew.
Do I stand, sit or kneel?
It can be a little confusing at first. Just watch what other people are doing. Our service will become familiar quickly.
Some general guidelines:
- We stand when we sing.
- We sit during readings and the sermon.
- We stand during affirmations of faith.
- We stand or kneel for prayer to show our gratefulness to God.
Holy Communion means coming together.
Holy Communion is when we come together as one body to remember Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. The Lord’s Table is open and we welcome all baptized Christians to receive Communion regardless of denominational background or tradition. Anyone is invited to come up and receive a blessing. Simply cross your hands over your chest to let the minister know you want a blessing.
And after the service.
Please join us after each service for wonderful conversation and refreshments. We also encourage you to sample our Christian Education hour, which begins at 9:00 a.m. All are welcome!