Jennifer Gaebe, Senior Warden
Darin Marvin, Junior Warden
Class of 2026

Senior Warden

Junior Warden
Class of 2027

Class of 2028

A vestry was originally the room or building attached to a church used for changing, i.e. “vesting,” into clerical clothing. This became the meeting place for parishioners to conduct business and that term eventually came refer to the group itself, now called “the vestry,” who, along with the Rector, serves much like a board of directors for the church.
The vestry at St. Dunstan’s is composed of twelve members who serve for a three-year term. Four members rotate off each year and four new members are selected at the annual meeting in January. A clerk, usually appointed by the Rector, records the minutes.
Vestry members have a number of responsibilities which include:
- Approving the annual budget submitted by the Finance Committee, reviewing the church’s monthly finances, and approving financial commitments;
- Ensuring employment practices are in compliance with state law with input from the Personnel Committee;
- Setting annual goals for the church;
- Serving as stewards of the buildings and grounds;
- Acting as parish leaders and assisting the Rector;
- Working with the Rector to prayerfully discern the vision, goals, and mission of the parish.
In accordance with our bylaws, to serve on the vestry you must be:
- Minimum 16 years of age and regularly attends worship services
- A baptized member of record for the previous 60 days
- A regular contributor of record
Being a vestry member is more than just duties and bullet points. It is a meaningful way to serve St. Dunstan’s and get to know eleven other parishioners who have the same goal of making St. Dunstan’s a welcoming church that meets the spiritual needs of the parish and the wider community. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the library. Meetings are normally no longer than two hours. In addition to the regular monthly meeting, we have a daylong retreat one to two times a year to pray and discern goals. Vestry members serve as liaisons to many of the committees such as Finance, Personnel, and Outreach. They attend committee meetings and report back to the vestry.
If you are interested in serving on the vestry, please speak with our Rector, the Rev. Rebecca Hansen, or one of our current vestry members.