Lenten Soup Supper Study — Keeping a Holy Lent

Wednesdays, March 12th – April 2nd

In the Parish Hall

5:30pm: Soup Supper

Tough Questions of Faith: Theology for Skeptics, Doubters, and Seekers

Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, and April 2 | 5:30pm Dinner, 6:00pm: Study & Discussion

We Anglicans/Episcopalians are known for saying “don’t check your brains at the door” of the church. To that end, this series is for anyone and everyone that would like to engage in real questions – from the perplexing and tough questions to the questions you might otherwise be afraid to ask! We’ll have some questions to wrestle and talk about – but you’re invited to bring yours! Questions like… Does God really exist? Is there any proof? Why do bad things happen to good people? Do miracles really happen? Is the Bible ever wrong? Why don’t all prayers get answered? All are welcome! Please let us know if you will need childcare by March 9th by emailing: rhansen@stdunstans.org.