Eucharistic Visitors provide much-needed ministry to homebound parishioners.
The Eucharistic Visitors pastoral care group is a special ministry at St. Dunstan’s called to take communion to those ill and homebound parishoners who are unable to attend Sunday services. Members are sent out by the priest, who has blessed sacraments, to nursing homes, hospitals, or even a parishoner’s house.
St. Dunstan’s Licensed Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) program is growing and we are looking for additional volunteers. The time commitment necessary to participate can vary depending on the volunteer’s availability and the number of LEV requests.
LEVs typically make their visits on a Sunday, but occasionally a midweek trip is requested. To participate, volunteers must become licensed by the diocese and take a diocesan-mandated course in proper behavior called “Safeguarding God’s People.” To learn more or request a Eucharistic Visitor, please call the church office at (619) 460-6442.