St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
6556 Park Ridge Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: (619) 460-6442
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church is located in the San Carlos area of San Diego, directly across the street from Patrick Henry High School. We are at the corner of Wandermere and Park Ridge Boulevard.
From I-8…
1. From I-8, take the COLLEGE AVE exit ramp.
2. Turn NORTH onto COLLEGE AVE (From I-8 WEST merge RIGHT, from I-8 EAST turn LEFT.
3. Proceed approximately 1.1 mile NORTH on COLLEGE AVE to NAVAJO RD.
4. Turn RIGHT onto NAVAJO RD.
5. Proceed approximately 1.2 miles EAST on NAVAJO ROAD to PARK RIDGE BLVD.
7. Proceed approximately 0.4 miles SOUTH to WANDERMERE.
8. Turn RIGHT onto WANDERMERE, St. Dunstan’s is on your left, while Patrick Henry High School is on your right.
9. Turn LEFT into the parking lot at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church.
Campus Map