Our Children’s ministry provides a year-round, fun & safe environment for children ages 3-11. During Sunday Worship, children are not only invited, but encouraged to sit in our Prayground (located in the front on the Choir side) and be themselves. We know that some children need extra space to wiggle around during the service and wanted to provide a space where they could stay in the center of service.
We’ve also incorporated a “Children’s Moment” before our Rector’s sermon where the readings are broken down and explained in a way that your child would understand.
Our Sunday Education & Formation hour starts at 9am each week and is led by our Director of Children’s Ministry, and assisted by other church volunteers. All those who are involved in our Children’s Ministry (& Nursery) have completed the necessary training needed to work with children in our Diocese. We are currently using the Godly Play curriculum.
Godly Play is a child-center approach to teaching children to worship where they can explore the stories on their own. The key to this approach is a worship context for sharing biblical stories, instead of a traditional school environment. They will learn to find the quiet place within, which enables them to prepare for worship, all by themselves.
For more information and to be introduced to our Associate for Education and Formation, please contact Neil Kramer at nkramer@stdunstans.org
Additional information
Nursery and Childcare
Children’s Choir
Children’s Sunday School – Frequently Asked Questions
Volunteer Policy
Vacation Bible School