Welcome to St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, Where All Are Welcome, No Exceptions

Media credit: Options for All Film & Media

We welcome you as we strive to be an accessible, inclusive, and safe place for everyone, demonstrating God’s love for all people. Persons and families experiencing disability are welcome and encouraged to participate fully in worship and all ministries and activities at St. Dunstan’s. We want St. Dunstan’s to be a community where people with differences or disabilities of any kind can belong, learn, serve and contribute.  In addition, all of our children and youth leaders have disability-related experience. If you have questions about available accommodations or would like to let us know how best to include you or a family member, please contact the church office at (619) 460-4662 or, David Jespersen at accessibility@stdunstans.org.

We welcome all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and neurodivergence. We invite you to share your strengths and gifts and your unique combination of abilities and needs in the community of St. Dunstan’s.

t-coilAssistance for people with hearing loss is available through a hearing loop system in the interior of the church and in the parish hall that is connected to the sound system. If you wear hearing aids with T-coil you can hear directly through your hearing aids. If you do not have T-coil, or have hearing loss and are not yet ready for hearing aids, you can use one of our portable receivers and headset, or you may bring your own ear buds to plug into the receivers. Check with a Hospitality Minister for assistance.

disabilitySt. Dunstan’s facilities are fully accessible to people who use wheelchairs and walkers. In the church, there is a variety of reserved seating space for those using mobility devices. If you are attending with friends or family, there are companion seats next to the accessible seating.  Men’s and women’s restrooms are also designed to accommodate wheelchairs. The parking lot and front entrance are fully accessible, along with the memorial garden street access.

Large PrintLarge print complete Sunday worship bulletins are available during Sunday services for large print users.

Gluten freeThere are Gluten Free wafers available. When you receive communion, place your hands together (as in prayer) to receive the gluten-free wafer.

Quiet Room signNEW — If you need a break from sensory stimulus, our quiet room is there for you.
